Tamarindos - Apartamentos en Peñíscola

Tamarindos, Peñiscola

Best price guarantees
Choose area and flat
Parking, cuna y mascota gratis
Icono Palmera
10.000 m2
Green area and 100 palm trees
Icono Playa
Facing the Mediterranean Sea
In front of the Northern beach of Peñíscola
Icono Piscinas
3 Swimming pools
1 semi-Olympic
Icono Apartamentos
55 apartments
Fully equipped
Tamarindos - Apartamentos en Peñíscola
Tamarindos - Apartamentos en Peñíscola
Tamarindos - Apartamentos en Peñíscola
Have a good time with you family and friends by cooking grilled food
Animation and playroom
We provide a laundry service for your personal use
Restaurant with local gastronomic products
Free 1 parking space
Free 1 parking space
One parking space per apartment
¡Pets are welcome in Tamarindos!
Book Online
Book Online
¡Booking directy on our website has advantages!
365 days
365 days
Open all year long!

Booking direct has advantages!

  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Personalised attention
  • Choose area and type of flat
  • One free parking space per flat
  • Free cot
  • Your first pet free
  • Earn loyalty points and receive discounts. They are generated with summer bookings and can only be used from October to
  • May except bank holidays and public holidays.

Services designed for you

Apartamentos Tamarindos Peñiscola is peace and quiet and a family atmosphere. Ideal for families with children or weekend getaways for couples to disconnect from stress, enjoy the good weather and the typical gastronomy of the Valencian Community.

The services and the extensive green area within a completely enclosed area make Apartamentos Tamarindos Peñíscola a peaceful and ideal place to spend a family holiday. The restaurant and entertainment are only open during the summer season and Easter.

You can find out more in this video!

Fabulous 8.9

Excellent 8.5

Very good 4


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